In this article we will tell you about the requirements that a European company should meet in order to eliminate negative aspects with taxation.
The EU countries (such as Malta, Austria, the Netherlands ext.) have no specific requirements for confirmation of company substance for tax purposes. However, there are certain rules, non-compliance to which may lead to the company’s problems with...Read More
Austrian real estate market, especially in Vienna, is quite appealing for the investors from around the world. The prices for the apartments in Vienna are not that high as in New York or in London and overall trend of the investment’ price is going up from year to year. In this report we are going to describe the process of investment in Viennese real estate market, the procedure and...Read More
In case of violation of tax law the following types of liability are arisen:
Financial (prescribed by Tax Code of Ukraine)
Administrative (prescribed by Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses)
Criminal (prescribed by Criminal Code of Ukraine)
Each type of legal liability has special rules of applying, including different limitations periods.
Financial Liability
As provided by the...Read More
Double Taxation Treaties
It is commonly known that the profit gained by residents of one or another foreign country, both individuals and legal entities, can be taxed in the country of their tax residence and in the countries where these profits were gained. That can be the residents of the United States, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and many others. In order to avoid double...Read More